Sociology A Level

Sociology is the study of society and is therefore concerned with what people do and why. Sociology is a theoretical subject which uses arguments and debates, both historical and contemporary, to make sense of society and uses empirical evidence (based on research) to fully investigate the society in which we live. Consider this, have you ever viewed yourself to be the author of your own destiny, through the choices and decisions you make? Or do you think that we are subjected to social forces and institutions that determine our behaviour as human beings? This is the central question within Sociology, and one that continues to shape our understanding of humans within all aspects of society.

As we continue to experience an ever-changing world, you will consider global inequality, poverty, racism, sexism, disease, crime and family breakdown along with educational inequality. Sociology will provide you with the necessary tools to challenge taken-for-granted assumptions about our social world and our place in it.

The four components studied during the course are, Education with Theory and Methods, Families and Households, Beliefs in Society and Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods.

How will I be assessed?

Sociology at Halesowen College is a 'non-linear' qualification, meaning that there is a formal AS examination at the end of the first year. Students are expected to progress to second year where they will take a final set of A'Level examinations. There is no coursework in this subject.

What do I need?

You will need GCSEs with 2 grade 6s and 3 grade 5s including English Language. Retaking GCSE Maths as part of your programme is required if you do not have grade 4.

Where can it take me?

You can progress to an exciting range of higher level courses, including Teaching, or a related degree at university, such as Psychology, Government & Politics, Criminology, English Language & Literature, Philosophy, International Relations, Business and Marketing.

Additional information

Sociology A Level combines well with English, Geography, History, Politics and Psychology.

This course is ideal if you are interested in a career in Education, Business, Marketing, Law, Governmental & Non-Governmental Agencies, Charities, Social Policy and Welfare Services.

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