Have you developed a passion for theatre and performance through participating in school productions, attending youth theatre or taking a GCSE drama class? Level 2 Acting will help you take your performance skills further. Throughout the course, you will learn the fundamentals of acting and further your knowledge of theatre as a whole. You will explore acting skills in a range of styles and genres, through scripted performance and devising. This exciting and confidence boosting course is a perfect start for aspiring actors. You will have various opportunities to perform in productions and events during the year, which will require you to attend rehearsals and performances outside of normal college hours.
The course is assessed through a combination of practical performance, verbal discussion, and coursework. Performance skills will be assessed through a combination of rehearsal observation and live performance effectiveness. Coursework is directly linked to practical work as it largely comprises of analysis and research done as part of the production process.
You will need to have achieved at least 4 GCSEs at Grade 3 and above, including English, and Maths. It is a requirement, however, that you retake GCSE English and Maths as part of your programme, if you do not have Grade 4. This will ensure you can progress to a Level 3 course or apprenticeship, and will improve your future employment prospects. You will also need to attend an audition.
You can progress to a Level 3 vocational course in Acting or Musical Theatre. What Jobs Could I do with this Qualification: You could consider a junior position as a performer or workshop Leader. Other options could include communications and customer facing roles.
1 Year
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