Chemistry A Level

Chemistry has the right formula for life!

From the moment, you are born and throughout your life, you are surrounded by chemistry – in the air you breathe, the food you eat and the clothes you wear. Chemistry is the study of substances; what they are made of, how they interact and what role they play in living things. This course will suit you if you are practical, like solving problems and are good at Maths. An ability to learn and recall facts will also help with the study of a wide range of organic molecules and reactions. Particular areas of study will include rates of reaction, structure and bonding, analytical techniques, carbon chemistry and patterns in the Periodic Table.

How will I be assessed?

The course is assessed by examinations

What do I need?

You will need to have GCSEs with 2 grade 6s and 3 grade 5s including grade 6s in Double or Triple Science and Maths at the higher tier.

Where can it take me?

You can progress to an exciting range of higher level courses, including Applied Chemistry HNC/D and Computing HNC/D. A degree in a related subject, such as Chemistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Veterinary Science, Forensic Science, Biochemistry and Chemical Engineering, is also an option.

Additional information

Chemistry A Level combines well with Biology, Mathematics, Physics and Geology.

This course is ideal if you wish to pursue a career as a Medical Doctor, Vet, Pharmacist or Dentist. Chemistry is a facilitating subject offering access to a wide range of other courses.

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