‘Good’ Ofsted rating for Halesowen College


Halesowen College has been graded ‘Good’ in its latest Ofsted inspection.

The inspection took place at the end of September with Ofsted finding that learners feel valued and included, they feel safe, they show positive attitudes to their studies and are proud to study at Halesowen. Students also gain confidence and develop the skills they need for work and are prepared for life after College.

The report also said the College works well with key stakeholders and includes employers when designing the curriculum so it knows what skills they are looking for and listens to employer feedback.

Ofsted said that students develop their confidence, resilience and knowledge to succeed and that high needs learners are fully supported.

It adds that a high proportion of learners move on to higher education, employment and apprenticeships, teachers are experienced in their subjects and there are clear expectations set for learners to complete work experience or a work-related activity.

The report also highlights that leaders, managers and staff have created a welcoming and inclusive environment which helps students to thrive.

Jacquie Carman, Principal and CEO of Halesowen College, said: “We are delighted to have received this grading from Ofsted which recognises our supportive and ambitious ethos and reflects the achievements of our learners alongside the commitment and talent of our staff.

“Despite this excellent result we are not complacent and had already identified improvements that will further raise our quality of education and strive towards our vision – to be exceptional through the delivery of first class skills and education for all.”

Jo Chilton, Chair of Governors at Halesowen College, said: “Halesowen Corporation is thrilled with the OFSTED grading of Good. This is the second consecutive grading of Good.  A direct result of a team effort, the Corporation would like to thank all staff for their professionalism and commitment which has resulted in this achievement.

“The OFSTED grading of Good evidences the consistent quality of education and enrichment learners at Halesowen College receive and establishes a solid foundation on which to move forward.  The College’s aspiration is to achieve outstanding in future assessments.”


Posted: 20th November 2023

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