The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 gives the public a general right to access recorded information held by public authorities including Further Education Colleges.
The Act promotes greater openness and accountability, facilitating a better understanding of how public bodies and organisations funded by public money carry out their business, why they make the decisions they do and how they spend public money.
Halesowen College is required to issue a publication scheme.
The Corporation was established under the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 for the purpose of conducting Halesowen College. The College is an exempt charity. The legislation that created college corporations also confirmed their charitable status – as charities exempt from direct Charity Commission oversight. Subsequent legislation required government to designate charitable regulators for all exempt charities. The DfE has this role for college corporations
The Corporation was incorporated as Halesowen College.
The College purpose as approved by its members is:
Halesowen College exists to provide the exceptional education, training and support that will transform life chances and equip our community to flourish in a changing world.
Documents available
All documents can be accessed by visiting:
Halesowen College has a Board of governors Chaired by Joanne Chilton.
A full list of corporation members can also be found at Corporation and Governance
The Principal and CEO is Jacquie Carman.
Information about the Corporation can be requested from the college’s Director of Governance by email ( or by phone 0121 602 7604.
The Corporation operates under a committee structure and has the following committees in place:
Principal and Registered Office
Whittingham Road
B63 3NA
Key management personnel are defined as senior post holders:
Jacquie Carman – Principal and Chief Executive Officer
Jo Williams – Deputy Principal and Deputy Chief Executive Officer
The College is arranged into three faculties:
Academic Studies
Creative Arts and Services to People
Professional Services and Science
Documents available
Organisation charts
The College has a wholly owned subsidiary company, Halesowen College Enterprises Limited. This is a company (Company Number 2790416) limited by shares all of which are owned by Halesowen College.
Halesowen College is a tertiary college offering young people a wide range of opportunities to follow either academic or vocational pathways. 16-18 learners are a large majority of our student community.
As a commitment to our sustainability targets our prospectus for full time courses is now wholly digital and can be accessed at
We work with adults in a range of settings and at various levels. Higher Education is also offered to provide local progression pathways alongside a growing number of apprenticeship standards. Details of our courses and associated fees and charges can be found on our website.
Halesowen College operates a Students Union which operates under a constitution approved by the College Corporation.
Each year the College appoints a number of student ambassadors to positions of responsibility. Each role has a slightly different focus, but all of the roles help students to develop self-confidence, build good teamwork skills, feel a sense of satisfaction and reward and find out more about working in education.
College Ambassadors are “the face and voice of the College” who represent the College at events like Open Days and Welcome Days. They give talks at school events, help with new students during enrolment and assist with College promotion by giving their views on student life.
You can find out more about all of our student activities at
To assist the College in achieving its strategic objectives, the Corporation sets annually financial targets which are coterminous with those financial objectives set out in the College’s strategic plan
The purpose of setting and monitoring such objectives is to establish limits within which the College can operate and achieve its overarching strategies.
The College has significant reliance on the education sector funding bodies for its principal funding sources, largely from recurrent grants. In 2020/21 the funding body provided 90.08% of the group’s total income.
Details of the College and the company’s financial performance can be found in the consolidated Annual Members Report and Financial Statements which are published on our website
Financial Statements and Accounts
The College operates under a formal set of financial regulations and has several documented policies to create a robust internal control environment.
Documents available
Information on major plans for capital expenditure can be found in our estates strategy
Information on pay can be found in the Human Resources section. For information on the remuneration of senior post holders refer to note 8 of the Annual Members Report and Financial Statements which are published on our website.
Halesowen College maintains a register of gifts and hospitality and declarations of interest. Information is available on request in so far as disclosure is in the public interest and GDPR is not breached in the sharing of such information.
Halesowen College has the vision to be the first choice in our region for learners, parents, businesses and staff, working with partners to achieve remarkable things.
Our strategic plan can be accessed using the following link:
Halesowen College Strategic Plan
The College also has an annual plan and key performance indicators designed to drive forward the strategic objectives.
Documents available
The College has a Senior Leadership Team that meet formally each week. There is a predetermined cycle of business. Key decisions are communicated to staff via regular briefings, emails and forums such as faculty boards and support staff managers meetings. Students are kept informed through the tutorial programme, student ambassadors, Students Union and online platforms.
The Corporation has a clear strategic direction for the College. Responsibilities are carried out over an annual cycle of business, which is spread across committees feeding into a Main Board. Governance is conducted in a constructive atmosphere in which members debate issues to reach collective decisions.
Corporation and committee minutes alongside framework documents can be found on our website:
Additional documents that aid the college in delivering its activities and services and, discharging its responsibilities include:
Documents available
Halesowen College has a full range of HR policies and staff recruitment procedures in place including the documents listed below:
Documents available
There is a code of conduct for College staff. All staff employed by Halesowen College are required to comply with this code and to indicate that they have read and understood its contents. Staff have a duty to work towards the aims of the College, to reflect its values and to implement decisions promptly and efficiently.
The full document can be accessed below:
Halesowen College is committed to providing equality of opportunity and celebration of diversity. We have been externally accredited as a Leader in Diversity. We are committed to creating an inclusive College, where people are treated with dignity and respect and where we anticipate and respond positively to different needs and circumstances so that everyone can achieve their potential.
The full equality scheme can be accessed using the link below:
The health and safety of students, staff, visitors, and contractors is paramount at Halesowen College. We pride ourselves on provision of a safe and welcoming environment in which to work and learn. Every possible step is taken to ensure that the highest standards of health and safety are attained, maintained, and wherever necessary, improved. To help ensure these standards are met we have produced a suite of Health and Safety Policies.
The Health and Safety Policy can be accessed at
Halesowen College views complaints as an opportunity to learn and improve for the future, as well as a chance to put things right for the person or organisation that has made the complaint. Our Policy :
The full policy can be accessed here
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