Pre-Employment Programme (SWAP) Eligibility Criteria

Am I Eligible?

You must be receiving Universal Credit, Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) or Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) to take part in a SWAP. 

For funding purposes, we define a learner as unemployed if one or more of the following apply, please tick which best apply to your current income status:

  • Are employed but, earns less than £30,000 annual gross salary (If this is your option please provide evidence of this e.g. a payslip, contract of employment or bank statement)
  • Are released on temporary licence, studying outside a prison environment, and not funded by the Ministry of Justice
  • Economically Inactive (Out of Work and not claiming JSA, ESA UC or any other benefits)
  • Receive Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Receive Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA), including those receiving National Insurance credits only

Your benefits will continue whilst you are on a SWAP. If you have to travel to the employer’s place of work or to where the training is held, you may be able to get help to cover the cost of your journey by public transport and or appropriate childcare costs.

You must be aged 19 or over (you must have turned 19 on or before 31st August 2023).